Eczema is a general term used to describe inflammatory conditions of the skin and is the most common skin condition. In Chinese Medicine, it is believed that eczema often results from weakness of spleen and stomach, damp heat and exposure to external pathogenic wind. Patient develops reddened skin that itch or oozing lesions.
Our experienced physicians treat eczema by acupuncture and herbal medicine according to its pattern diagnosis and which organ involved in each individual. In severe case, external herbal formula can be applied with much success. It is also important to avoid certain food that might trigger the problem.
As eczema is a chronic disease, it always takes longer time to cure. The duration of the treatment can last from a few weeks to few months, or even longer, depending on if the skin problem has recently appeared or if it has been there longer.
Chinese Food Therapy:
Herbal porridge
- Fresh couch grass root 鲜茅根 30g
- Chinese barley 生薏仁 300g
- Boil couch grass root with water for 30 minutes.
- Discard the couch grass root
- Add Chinese barley and rice to the soup and cook as porridge.
Herbal Dessert Soup
- Green Beans (绿豆) 30 g
- BaiHe (百合) 30g
- YiRen (薏仁) 15g
- QianShi (芡实) 15g
- ShanYao (山药)15g
- Add all the ingredients into a soup pot with water and boil.
- Reduce heat to low fire, simmer for about 45 min to 1 hour, or until beans have slightly expanded out of their skins.
- Add rock sugar at the end.